Friday, April 28, 2023

Contractor's Visit-Cottage Progress

Well things are looking up! We have submitted the plans to our contractor and now he and Andy will take them to the lumber yard for the final drafts of the plans to be made, and then the dirt work can begin!

Among other things, we discussed siding, the roofline, money-saving strategies and location. We have our plumber, electrician and dirt guy all lined up. 

We really like the guys we will be working with. They are local, knowledgeable and they laugh at Andy's jokes. They don't seem to mind our nosey dogs, either. 

There is still so much to do, but it feels like it's happening now. 

For such a long time, I was not sure I'd get here. Now that I am here, it feels weird. but I know the biggest mistake I can make, is to doubt myself or my process. Doubt lurks out there, every day, around every corner, but I can't waste my resources giving her the time of day anymore. 

I don't know much, but I do know you won't make dreams come true by inviting Doubt to sit at your table. 

I'll be working on perfecting a couple of cookie recipes this weekend. I've been doing more drawing and painting, so I hope to make more progress there. Planting will begin any time now, much to the relief of the farmers around here. We're keeping busy. 

I hope you all have something fun planned for the weekend. See you soon. 

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