Sunday, May 14, 2023

Meeting with the Lumberyard-Cottage Progress

We met with the architect, Angie, at the lumberyard to go over the floorplans for our projects. Pictured is the first-draft proposal of the Garage/Mother-in-law apartment design.  Angie will now take our plans and convert them to the final plans for our builder. We are already in the process of the back-and-forth suggestions and changes to create the best plan. 

Once the plan is finished, we should have a good idea of what it will cost. How much Andy and I will have to do ourselves, will soon become apparent.

We aren't losing any sleep over it. Much. 

This part of the project will provide on-site housing for Andy's mother, a 3-car garage space to replace the one we lost to a tornado ten years ago, an outdoor living space/extra car port in a storm, and a 2nd floor space for Andy's hobbies and work-out room. 

It checks a lot of boxes for us. On to the next step and the continued adventure of doing big projects with your spouse! 

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