Monday, January 16, 2023

Cottage Progress

Before we get to any of the "fun" stuff, we're going to have to clean up around the shed. We have loads of raspberries and brush we are going to have to clear. You can't see it from this view, but the siding on the back of the shed will also have to be replaced due to damage from a bad storm. 

What you're looking at is the future entrance to One L'il Kitchen, my commercial kitchen dream! 

The lumber order has been made and as soon as it arrives, we will start measuring and do some preliminary framing! 

We have plans for some landscaping, tree planting and vegetable gardening this spring and summer. I'm a terrible gardener, with goals to become a moderately successful gardener. We shall see. 

Not much getting done today, however, as we're getting some much-needed rain. It feels like a good day to work on the paintings for the children's book. Maybe. Even with the rain, it's going to be a productive week! I'm not entirely sure about that, but if I say it enough, maybe that's how it will work out. 

It can be frustrating working on a long-term project when I can see the end-goal in my head so clearly, but the reality of it just takes its own sweet time. 

One thing I do know about reaching any goal is that if I can see it in my head, I can make it happen in my real-time experience. Although it may take me some time to figure it out, I just have to identify each step in getting there.

Then take them. 

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