Friday, May 19, 2023

A Tale of Two Scones by Andy

It was the best of scones, it wasn’t the worst of scones.

I’ve never been a big fan of the scone. In my experience, they are dry, crumbly and taste a lot like a plain biscuit. I’ll pass, thank you. I didn’t understand the attraction, until now.

Recently, my wife put a plate down in front of me with a scone on it. I started to tell her I didn’t care for scones, and she said, “it’s an iced raspberry scone. A new recipe I just worked out. I think you will like it. Try a bite.”

It did look pretty good, and I’m a sucker for icing.

It took her a while, but my mother taught me to eat what was put in front of me without complaint. I took a bite.

To say it was amazing is an understatement. In her tinkering with the recipe, my wife had somehow managed to fix everything I disliked about scones. It was tender, moist and just the right amount of sweet. The raspberry didn’t overpower. The icing was the perfect compliment. It was easily the best scone I’ve ever eaten. My wife had done it again.

She let another one sit out for 24 hours and then had me take a bite. It was the second best scone I've ever eaten. It didn’t dry out or lose its appeal. Most baked goods can’t boast much of a shelf life, but this one shocked me.

My wife routinely does this. She takes foods I don’t think I like and changes my way of thinking about them. I hope she’s able to keep doing that for many more years. It's nice to know I can learn something new, even at my age.

She's been working on something called a "banana bread scone." If it tastes half as good as it sounds, I will have to change my opinion of scones altogether. I can do that, if presented with compelling evidence.

Impressive job, my dear.

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