Saturday, May 20, 2023

It Could be More of a Micro-Market

Upon further research, I think we are going to be opening a micro-market vs. a ghost kitchen. Or maybe it's a combination of the two. Not sure yet. 

I've been testing some recipes that I hope to feature as part of the grab and go offerings. I don't really have plans to carry things like chips and sodas that one would often find as part of a micro market. 

I plan to offer fresh, homemade dishes as stand-alone meals or items one could use to complete meals at home. 

I'll start with a small, but familiar inventory and experiment and expand from there. There will be plenty of Upper Midwestern comfort food, but also options on the lighter side and seasonal specialties. 

The truth is, I'm not really sure what will work and what people will want, but I'll definitely be listening to the feedback. 

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