Sunday, May 21, 2023

This Guy

He's the love of my life and my best friend. He's not perfect. Not even close. 
But he's perfect for me. 

We've been through a lot together. A lot of my stuff. A lot of his. Plenty of our stuff and a lot of stuff we never even saw coming. We have definitely not agreed about everything. We've had plenty of "words" over the years. Plenty of four-letter words, in fact, but the entire time, we've tried.  Tried to grow into better people than we used to be. Better than we used to be 30 years ago. Better than we used to be 8 months ago. Better than we used to be yesterday. 

So, we continue to work on ourselves and our relationship and our outlook. We continue to create and travel. We try to grow and improve, despite so much of our social and childhood conditioning and our own egos working against us. We inch along, finding our way, even now in our mid-fifties. Together. 

It has not been what I would call "easy."  Growth can be so ugly and painful, but he's had my back nearly every day for the past 17 years, even during my anguish, my breakdowns and my failures. Even when others have attacked me. He has demonstrated that time and again. I hope he feels he can say the same of me.

Maybe it's why we survive big projects well. 

Don't be fooled. This isn't a gushy post about how great my husband is. I don't need bragging rights that he earns the most, or looks the best, or has the biggest...truck. Andy is not perfect, as I have sometimes mentioned, but he is just exactly the right amount of imperfect for me. (I'm probably a little bit more imperfect than he'd like, but he has adapted well.)

This is a gushy post about how hard my husband tries. 

He is the most successful person at trying, that I've ever known. He gets up every morning and he just goes out there and tries again. 

He tries to be a better husband, a better father, a better son, a better friend, a better human. 

His success varies from day to day, but he perseveres. He pursues growth. 

It's attractive. 

I hope he never gives up. 

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