Monday, June 26, 2023

Back in the Kitchen Over the Weekend

But not how I usually work in the kitchen!

I got back to doing some painting and drawing for the children's book! I am expecting to have some things for sale on the website soon so stay tuned! 

I also got to work on some other fun creative projects too. I found these online, for cottage decor, at an unacceptable price. I thought they were pretty cute, but the original ceramic pieces are way too much and the knock-offs are made out of resin and still $75! Not paying that.

So I attempted to make some of my own. The first attempt was a disaster. I used air drying clay and it cracked...everywhere. Completely fell apart, total failure. Even after I tried to avoid making this mistake with way too much time spent on YouTube. 

I used polymer clay and paper clay for my next attempts, and they came out much better. I definitely liked the premium polymer the best. Now to paint them and give them cute personalities. 

As an FYI, I molded the clay around regular glass jars that I got for $.99 at the craft store so they will hold water for a few stems of flowers each to make them look like they are wearing flowery hats. 

Yes. Yes, I do embrace the little old lady in me. With great big hugs and smooches. Because getting older is a glorious thing for someone who never even expected to be here today. 

Life is beautiful. Even when it's not. Because it's life

Have a wonderful, creative, loving, brilliant week. 


  1. I love these and have to try them…..good fall project! Thanks for showing us and doing the test drive on them.❤️

  2. Glad you found it helpful! I'm having fun with it and it's a nice distraction when things get stressful!
