Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Dirt Work Begins-Project Progress

Today is the day! We begin breaking ground, literally! 

After they got everything staked out, Andy and I were really pleased with the size of the new garage and mother-in-law apartment and the position of it in reference to our house and the commercial kitchen/cottage. I will update with more pictures as things progress!

As an aside, I'm going to lose my apple shrubs that never produced a single apple in 8 years. I'll live, even if the apple trees don't. I've never been much of a plant person. My mother was an amazing plant person, but she grew into that. I wish I would one of these days.

Oh well, like I tell my niece, being really bad at something just gives you a vast amount of room to improve. 

Today is a big day! Stuff is moving! 

Andy and I hugged it out in the bedroom this morning as we both admitted in squeaky voices that we are very excited and scared at the same time. But as he left, he turned and said, "It's going to be ok. It's going to be really good."

Ok, dear. I've made the choice to believe you. 

Thanks for believing in me, too. 

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