Saturday, August 12, 2023

It's Been a Month...

...since I have posted anything here. That's because it's been a very hectic month and sometimes, I just have to check out of social media and e-communication for awhile. For my sanity. Honestly, checking back "in" can be difficult after a break, but here I am. 

Over the past month:

  • I've been running, catering special events, planning girl's weekends, anniversary and birthday parties.
  • We drove for RAGBRAI L for our friend, Lee, in honor of his late wife, Roxy. The heat was absolutely brutal for the riders. Even I got a pretty good case of heat exhaustion. 
  • I've been addressing some health concerns and nailing down details as we get ready for another travel adventure.
  • We've made progress on our cottage/kitchen plans, but once again, we are dealing with (weather) delays. 
Over the next month I anticipate:
  • More cottage/kitchen progress with more delays/hiccups
  • Travel delays/being stuck in transit somewhere
  • Unanticipated expenses (hopefully nothing too major)
  • A big shift in focus toward harvest

Ugh. Sometimes things can seem so unpleasant or overwhelming. So many things going on. So many details to remember and boxes to check. Not enough hours in a day. Delays, arguments, ever-growing task lists, added expenses...

But then I look at the list again and notice all of the memories made, opportunities created, experiences to be had and think, "Life is pretty OK, isn't it?"


Look for these posts coming next week!

It's Whether You Get Up II
The Art of the Girl's Weekend
Repairing the Floors-Cottage Progress
Packing for Africa COO
And hopefully a great potluck recipe too! 

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