Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Fixing the Floor-Cottage Progress

Progress continues to grind slowly on our cottage project. Back in early July, we had the contractor who is fixing the floor, come out and give us an estimate and a date at the end of August (ugh) to come and do the work. 

Well guess what? We can't really do anything until the floor is fixed and level. 

Color breathing. 

Level floors, I guess that makes sense. It doesn't thrill me. More delays, but I get it. 

So now we are finishing up clearing the entire addition because there can't be anything on the floors when they make these repairs. There will be some heavyish demolition in the bathroom very soon! 

This damage extends around the entire perimeter
of the addition. Time to get it fixed.

Love that guy. We've been through a lot together. Some may find his
gesture threatening. He's swinging a hammer and using a chisel to pry up
carpet tack. That's not threatening. That's just hot. 

We have things waiting in the wings like tile, cabinetry, fixtures, lighting, etc., so hopefully when things really start moving around here, it will feel more satisfying, less frustrating. 

As for the garage and mother-in-law apartment, the weather has really conspired against us on that one. The much-needed rain has managed to fall in intervals that, literally up until today, have kept the contractors from digging/pouring the foundation. There is a crew out there this morning, finally digging the footings. Progress!

I can't curse the rain. Every drop that falls is money in our pockets. Money we need to complete our projects. 

We will be taking out that window and putting in French doors
leading to a small deck and eventually a screened gazebo.

We will be knocking out that closet and
doorway and creating a wall there.

Oh, and this little thing around here that happens every year, we like to call "harvest." It's a good thing it's not weather-dependent or time-consuming. Pardon the sarcasm.

Harvest is the time of the year when my husband and stepson become completely single-minded. Completely. If it is fit, eat, sleep, breathe...harvest. Until it's done. Period. 

We don't plan much in October around here. 


Having guests by October is looking pretty optimistic at this point, but it's moving forward so I figure there will definitely be a month, in the future, where we are finished with the cottage and taking guests. 

That's about all I care to promise at this point. 

Forging ahead. 

With all my heart, thanks for coming along. 

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