Monday, January 16, 2023

I Always Promise the Universe

I pray. Every day. I pray for many people. I ask that they be blessed with health, contentment, peace and prosperity. I ask that I be blessed with the same. And then I make the promise. It goes something like, "If you see fit to bless me, I promise to always share what I receive with others." 

I take that promise very seriously. 

My life hasn't always been fun nor easy, much like yours I suspect. I've had some serious pain and struggles throughout. I'm going through some of the most painful at this time, in fact. I still consider myself blessed beyond reason. Beyond anything I ever thought would happen for me, and the best part is, that I continue to feel the blessings pour over me daily. I see my prayers being answered and I feel grateful. Even when everything isn't perfect. 

Given that I feel so blessed about being able to do this project, I have plans to use the cottage in ways that I can give back. Do you know a child with cancer or other serious illness? Someone who has been abused or neglected? Someone who has nothing extra and fights just to keep food on the table? Maybe a young military couple who can't afford a honeymoon?

I do. 

I plan to block off dates to offer the cottage to those who aren't in a financial position to rent it, for free. As the cottage becomes more successful, I'll increase the number of "gift stays" I will offer. People who struggle and suffer, need happy memories to hold onto, most of all. I speak from experience on this one. Sometimes the happy memories we hold onto, carry us through, until the struggling and suffering end.

I made a promise. I plan to keep it. 

I truly look forward to spoiling all my guests. Some even more than others. 

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