Monday, January 16, 2023

Setting Down the "Stuff" to Make More Memories

It's a commitment Andy and I have made with our gift-giving and our lives in general, recently. It's also why we've been able to travel more, and why we intend to keep it that way.

Andy didn't buy a single souvenir on our recent trip to Italy. I bought three toddler tee shirts for my niece and nephews and a small pink backpack with "Italia" printed on it, for my niece. That's it. Nothing for myself or Andy because we had some really extraordinary experiences on the trip and I'm not sure any trinket or duty-free purchase could ever measure up. 

What we know is that going forward, there will be more traveling, more foodie adventures with friends, more hugs, more laughs and more events to file in our memories. I'm not sure why it took us so long to figure this out, but we are glad we've finally arrived here. 

I think our new approach will also make us better hosts and offer better experiences. We are really paying attention to the things that resonate with us and make the biggest impact so we can use our observations to make for a better guest experience at the Hidden Cottage. Nothing will please me more than knowing that staying at the cottage will be a happy memory our guests will hold onto.

The "stuff" fades in and out of our experience, but the memories last much longer. If we are very, very lucky, right up until our very last breath. Maybe even beyond.

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