Monday, January 16, 2023

Working with Andy

Andy and I have tackled several rather big projects over the years. Everything from massive theatrical musical productions to starting a 4-day community-wide Christmas festival to planning trips overseas for large groups and of course, hosting a short-term rental property. None of these things speak to our competence or skill as much as they speak to our ability to bite off more than we can chew. I mean, we were RAGBRAI drivers for 7 years for heaven's sake! 

In the end, our marriage survives, and the project gets accomplished with at least a moderate level of success. Sometimes even better than that. Sometimes we are really pleased with our work. This is going to be one of those times. 

Well, we're doing it again. We have a vision and now we're going to try to bring it into reality. The hardest part of this will be communication. For two people who can really talk a lot, Andy and I often have trouble explaining things to each other. I have a very visual brain, but I don't think the explanations I give are always clear to what that vision is (because I imagine he sees it in his head the same way I do. Doesn't everyone?) 

Sometimes the results end in something that is so far off base, we literally have to scrap it and start over, or worse, pour more money into it to fix what we messed up. Then we find ourselves dealing with acute frustration and downright anger. The kind that makes us want to strangle each other while dropping f-bombs all over the place. Do you think it's bad idea that we'll be enclosed in a machine shed, working with power tools? 

Yet here we are. Sixteen years in and still attempting new and bigger projects, despite the challenges and communication issues of working with our spouse. Truth be told, Andy isn't always easy to work with. Sometimes I'm impossible. 

I know this isn't going to be easy, but I also know neither of us would want to attempt it with anyone else. So here we go. Into a new year, a new project, a new chance to prove to ourselves that we can. 

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