Monday, January 30, 2023

I Don't Know if I Can Do This

We are heading out for another one of our 2023 vacation adventures and this one involves a green sand beach. There are only four green sand beaches in the world. We will be a 2.5-mile hike away from one of them on this trip.

This may not sound huge to you, but it's pretty huge for me. My weight is still an issue for me, even after significant loss. (140+) I haven't been a walker. I haven't been in very good shape the past several years and this five-mile hike along the shoreline sounds like a lot for me. Like a LOT. 

I've been on the elliptical, trying to build endurance and strength for this challenge. I'll be with Andy and other very supportive people. It's just walking.

Just walking to something that there are only four of on the planet. 

I want to do it. I feel like this would be a huge, missed opportunity. 

I just don't know if I can do it. What if I get halfway to the beach and I'm like, "Nope. I'm done." What if I twist my ankle? What if emergency services have to be involved? 

There are no services along this route. I hear airlifts are costly. My mind reels. 

Something tells me this will be one of those "memories of a lifetime" sort of adventures for me. A hike to something amazing and rare, a helicopter ride to a hospital landing pad, either way, I'll never forget it. 

I don't know if I can do this.

I guess I will find out when I try. 

PS - I will not be bringing back any sand from the beach if I make it. There is a fine of up to $100K for doing so. Definitely sounds like something I should not miss.


  1. But what IF you can do it?

  2. Just trying is success! I am 🤞hopeful for you and proud of your adventures!❤️

  3. I am just now getting to catch up on places I left off at…..I’m not copying the response ahead of me….and I just have to agree…they said what I would have said….Take a deep breath, let it all out and believe in yourself….take the time you need to conquer this obstacle. You will be so proud of yourself (and me too) and build your confidence! I cannot wait to hear from you you and hear how it went! Your adventure sounds like Magic!! I’m excited for all of you!!
