Thursday, June 29, 2023

About Three Years Ago-Hidden Cottage Recap

During the pandemic, three years ago, we invited some good friends to the farm for some "glamping." Everyone was so tired of the public health crisis and everyone around us was feeling very stressed, yet people were trying to be careful and exercise precautions. We were especially careful in our group of friends where there were several of us in high-risk health situations. 

"Glamping" seemed a thing we could have people come out and do for a getaway and a chance for us to connect with friends we had been missing. 

First, Andy and I tried it on our deck. It was fun. 

Next we invited our good friends, Lee and Roxy, out with their RV. After getting them set up and spoiling them with a couple of nice outdoor meals, walks around the property, and pulling weeds in the flower beds (yes, that was entertaining to Roxy,) Lee said, "I didn't realize how much I needed this." 

A month later, another couple we love to travel with, Mark and Amy McGrew, came out and "glamped" in a tent we decked out in the grove. It was another opportunity to spoil my friends. 

They really seemed to love it. Mark said, "It was awesome being out in the fresh air and waking up to the birds. I slept great!"

All of my friends who visited that summer were stressed by what was going on in the nation but were all dealing with other difficult life challenges at the same time too. Like most of us were, I think. It made me feel relief knowing we could do something to help our friends relax a little during such turbulent times. 

So the idea of hosting at the farm was explored in earnest and we started talking about selling The Lady Next Door and what we could do at our place in terms of a "farm stay," which have become phenomenally popular in recent years.

Expedia, the largest travel agency in the world, now has a seperate search category just for farm stays, internationally. They have been Airbnb's most popular booking category for the past three years. It seemed like this was the time to make the move and bring our little side gig to the farm. 

Six months later, Andy's dad had a "mild" stroke. Moving our endeavors closer to the farm was no longer an idea we were entertaining, but a necessity, because Andy quickly became a primary caregiver for both of his parents, although with an aide during the day, Andy's father was still able to be at home. 

We committed to the idea of hosting at the farm, but as we made our plans, it became apparent that some of our ideas were not very practical. We thought of doing glamping tents, but quickly abandoned that idea because of one undeniable factor. Wind. We get some crazy wind here at the farm sometimes and we identified numerous issues for tent dwellers, none of them stay-enhancing. 

Then we thought about converting a pre-fab shed, grain bin, chicken coop, a section of our machine shed and a few other structures we had access to. From reasons ranging to price to installation of a new sewer system to logistics, access and location on the farm, these ideas went into the trash as we explored them further and we went back to the drawing board.

Then Andy's dad had a second stroke. This one put him into skilled care, permanently, but my husband's care of his parents continues on a daily basis. 

Because my husband farms, the demands of his job can change from minute to minute and most of his job is time and weather sensitive so keeping everyone close by had become not just essential, but mandatory, in order to keep up with meeting the needs of our farm and his parents. 

It was then, we realized that Andy's mom might be better off living physically closer to us as well, so we began looking at options and we landed on converting the addition to our original farmhouse into an apartment for her. We were also looking at building a garage to replace the one we lost in a tornado about ten years ago. 

After we met with contractors, our plans went into the trash again due to some unexpected issues that need to be repaired, however, where everything landed seems to have worked out okay for us and we are finally on our way.

Andy's mom will have a new apartment attached to our new garage, which means she will also have an attached garage. This feature was very important to Andy. Our cottage is now going into the addition along with my catering kitchen. 

Just three short years and a million ideas, hiccups and detours later, here we are, doing it. Doing more than we planned. Just taking each step and each day as it comes. 

A vision realized, is just a finite list of identifiable steps, taken.

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Monday, June 26, 2023

Back in the Kitchen Over the Weekend

But not how I usually work in the kitchen!

I got back to doing some painting and drawing for the children's book! I am expecting to have some things for sale on the website soon so stay tuned! 

I also got to work on some other fun creative projects too. I found these online, for cottage decor, at an unacceptable price. I thought they were pretty cute, but the original ceramic pieces are way too much and the knock-offs are made out of resin and still $75! Not paying that.

So I attempted to make some of my own. The first attempt was a disaster. I used air drying clay and it cracked...everywhere. Completely fell apart, total failure. Even after I tried to avoid making this mistake with way too much time spent on YouTube. 

I used polymer clay and paper clay for my next attempts, and they came out much better. I definitely liked the premium polymer the best. Now to paint them and give them cute personalities. 

As an FYI, I molded the clay around regular glass jars that I got for $.99 at the craft store so they will hold water for a few stems of flowers each to make them look like they are wearing flowery hats. 

Yes. Yes, I do embrace the little old lady in me. With great big hugs and smooches. Because getting older is a glorious thing for someone who never even expected to be here today. 

Life is beautiful. Even when it's not. Because it's life

Have a wonderful, creative, loving, brilliant week. 

The Kitchenette-Cottage Progress

We picked out cabinets for the kitchenette over the weekend. We went with basic, unfinished cabinets and upon inspection, these got Andy's seal of approval. 

The kitchenette in the cottage will be equipped with:  

        Major Appliances:
  •     Sink with spray nozzle and Insinkerator disposal
  •     Dishwasher
  •     26" Refrigerator/freezer
  •     Convection microwave

        Small Appliances: 

  •     French press/Electric coffee maker/Stovetop espresso maker/Pour-over coffee pot (my guests seem to like a lot of coffee options)

  •     2-burner hot plate
  •     Toaster
  •     Blender
  •     Small crockpot
  •     Electric tea kettle
  •     Hand mixer
It will also offer our guests:
  •     Excellent storage/Lazy Susan/Open shelving
  •     Teak butcher block countertops

  •     Tile backsplash

I went with basic, no-frills cabinets that I will paint myself. Andy plans to trim out the upper cabinets with some crown moulding and I think he might have a couple of other finishing tricks up his sleeve that will really make my basic cabinets seem more special. The pretty tile, nicer hardware and teak butcher block countertops should really dress up the kitchenette too. 

The color I'm choosing for the cabinets is a custom color that will have a hint more blue in it. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it all comes together. 

We are going with luxury vinyl plank tile in the living/kitchenette area of the cottage. It is for commercial use so it has to have floors that will stand up to our guests' "enjoyment" of the place! They also need to be water-tight. 

I did a lot of shopping around to find what I wanted at the price I wanted to pay and used some other bargain-hunting tricks like rebates and clearance items to knock the price down on the kitchenette. 

We haven't purchased everything yet, because I think I can get a little more knocked off waiting for sales. 

After it was all laid out with my estimate, Andy was thrilled with the price tag. I mean, thrilled. 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Winter Picnics-Linn Croft Experience Packages

On this hot and humid day, I'm comfortable talking about winter. It's what we Midwesterners do. We complain about the extreme weather and long for the opposite season. All year, every year. 

In addition to being able to book the cottage at the farm, our guests will be able to book experiences with their stays, like a winter picnic, for example.

I read about people doing these during the pandemic when everyone was just looking for anything to do outside. How do these look to you? They inspired me to plan one with good friends.

Aside from a cumbersome hike through the snow to the picnic location, and of course me with no socks, it was a truly delightful day. We utilized a camping stove so we could have hot food and a fireplace at the picnic shelter to keep warm.  Almost everyone dressed for the weather. Hot coffee and hot chocolate flowed freely while three Scandinavian women dined on Swedish meatballs with a side of mashed potatoes, refrigerator pickles and lingonberry jam.

When we do these at the cottage our guests won't have to trudge through the snow and their picnic area will be just a short walk outside their door. They will be seated in the evergreen grove, where we will have an outdoor heater and lights for added warmth and ambiance. 

We are even looking at something like this for the grove. What do you think? Could you have a picnic here? 

There will also be picnics at other times of the year. 

What would be included in a "picnic package?" Good question. A catered meal served to you in beautiful surroundings? Add-ons might include wine, flowers, photographs of your picnic? Stargazing? Special music? Live music? Snowshoeing before your winter meal? It will be fun figuring out what our custom packages will include and what our guests will enjoy. 

After your winter picnic you'll be able to take a sauna back in the cottage and then relax in front of the fireplace in the master bedroom.

Maybe you'd like to arrange for a massage? Cooking class? Drone experience? 

I might be able to convince people to stay here. We'll see. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Master Bedroom Inspiration-Cottage Progress

I saw this bed at Anthopologie, painted black for $2300 and a similar one painted dark blue for around the same price. 

I have this bedframe. I'm going to paint it dark blue for $75. 

Here is my vision board for the "Master" bedroom in the cottage. I will definitely update the bed frame project as I go. I think I might need to consult my very talented cousin, Terry, about paint selection. 

I already have the bedframe and the rugs and most of the furnishings for this room.  The Turkish rugs were purchased on one of Roxy's many travel adventures and were given to me by her husband, Lee.

The linens come from H&M and Target.

John Waterhouse is a favorite artist of Andy's and this one worked perfectly with the palette. He loves it. 

Andy will build the high wainscot and the fireplace surround himself. 

This is the fun stuff.

Enjoy more pretty blue bed inspiration here: 


After meeting with our builder, Alan, we have a plan for how everything needs to unfold. 

Our first priority will be getting the garage and mother-in-law apartment up and Wanda's apartment finished. That's where our builders will spend their time and Andy will be helping them when he can. 

The next job will be to get the cottage up and running and we hope to get that going by October. Andy and I will be working on that job simultaneously and bringing in contractors when needed. 

Finally, the kitchen. I hope to be operational by early December. It's a hopeful goal, but fortunately for me, I'm a fairly hopeful person. 

Every day, we feel scared and excited for what we are building (literally) in our lives (and our yard.)

I have to remind myself constantly that a vision realized, is simply a finite list of identifiable steps...taken. 

One step at a time with a hopeful heart. 

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I've Been Trying Avoid Pink Bathrooms All of My Life

I've been trying to avoid the pink bathrooms from the early 60s all of my life. Then I saw these. 

Andy crooked an eyebrow when I suggested pink, but then agreed that these bathrooms feel contemporary, relaxing and romantic. 

I remember pink bathrooms making a comeback in the 80s-90s. Still, those were not for me. 

These feel fresh to me. 

I guess everything that goes around, definitely comes around (again and again and again.)

So, maybe I'll do the bathroom with pink. 

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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Inside the Cottage-First Peek, Let's Talk Banquettes

So, we have the main living space of the cottage nearly cleared and will start tearing up carpet in that room soon.

If you look closely at the ceiling above the window over to the corner, you can see clear signs of the mold issue that will have to be mitigated. You can also see where the wall and floor have separated near the baseboards. This will require leveling the floors throughout the addition. There is definitely repair work to do here.

Where the current window is now, we will install a set of French doors leading out to a small deck/patio. To the right of that will be a built-in banquette that Andy will construct. I would like it to have storage under the seating for things like paper products, cleaning supplies, clean linens, etc. 

I'm going for "Modern Farmhouse." I know everyone seems to be saying "Farmhouse Style" is on its way out, but I live on a farm. This is a farmhouse. I'm going with what I know...with a fresh perspective, maybe? Hopefully. We'll see. 

Here is the current proposed floorplan of the Hidden Cottage: 

And here are some banquettes for inspiration. Let me know what you think! Which do you like best and why? 

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Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Dirt Work Begins-Project Progress

Today is the day! We begin breaking ground, literally! 

After they got everything staked out, Andy and I were really pleased with the size of the new garage and mother-in-law apartment and the position of it in reference to our house and the commercial kitchen/cottage. I will update with more pictures as things progress!

As an aside, I'm going to lose my apple shrubs that never produced a single apple in 8 years. I'll live, even if the apple trees don't. I've never been much of a plant person. My mother was an amazing plant person, but she grew into that. I wish I would one of these days.

Oh well, like I tell my niece, being really bad at something just gives you a vast amount of room to improve. 

Today is a big day! Stuff is moving! 

Andy and I hugged it out in the bedroom this morning as we both admitted in squeaky voices that we are very excited and scared at the same time. But as he left, he turned and said, "It's going to be ok. It's going to be really good."

Ok, dear. I've made the choice to believe you. 

Thanks for believing in me, too.