Thursday, June 22, 2023

Winter Picnics-Linn Croft Experience Packages

On this hot and humid day, I'm comfortable talking about winter. It's what we Midwesterners do. We complain about the extreme weather and long for the opposite season. All year, every year. 

In addition to being able to book the cottage at the farm, our guests will be able to book experiences with their stays, like a winter picnic, for example.

I read about people doing these during the pandemic when everyone was just looking for anything to do outside. How do these look to you? They inspired me to plan one with good friends.

Aside from a cumbersome hike through the snow to the picnic location, and of course me with no socks, it was a truly delightful day. We utilized a camping stove so we could have hot food and a fireplace at the picnic shelter to keep warm.  Almost everyone dressed for the weather. Hot coffee and hot chocolate flowed freely while three Scandinavian women dined on Swedish meatballs with a side of mashed potatoes, refrigerator pickles and lingonberry jam.

When we do these at the cottage our guests won't have to trudge through the snow and their picnic area will be just a short walk outside their door. They will be seated in the evergreen grove, where we will have an outdoor heater and lights for added warmth and ambiance. 

We are even looking at something like this for the grove. What do you think? Could you have a picnic here? 

There will also be picnics at other times of the year. 

What would be included in a "picnic package?" Good question. A catered meal served to you in beautiful surroundings? Add-ons might include wine, flowers, photographs of your picnic? Stargazing? Special music? Live music? Snowshoeing before your winter meal? It will be fun figuring out what our custom packages will include and what our guests will enjoy. 

After your winter picnic you'll be able to take a sauna back in the cottage and then relax in front of the fireplace in the master bedroom.

Maybe you'd like to arrange for a massage? Cooking class? Drone experience? 

I might be able to convince people to stay here. We'll see. 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Master Bedroom Inspiration-Cottage Progress

I saw this bed at Anthopologie, painted black for $2300 and a similar one painted dark blue for around the same price. 

I have this bedframe. I'm going to paint it dark blue for $75. 

Here is my vision board for the "Master" bedroom in the cottage. I will definitely update the bed frame project as I go. I think I might need to consult my very talented cousin, Terry, about paint selection. 

I already have the bedframe and the rugs and most of the furnishings for this room.  The Turkish rugs were purchased on one of Roxy's many travel adventures and were given to me by her husband, Lee.

The linens come from H&M and Target.

John Waterhouse is a favorite artist of Andy's and this one worked perfectly with the palette. He loves it. 

Andy will build the high wainscot and the fireplace surround himself. 

This is the fun stuff.

Enjoy more pretty blue bed inspiration here: 


After meeting with our builder, Alan, we have a plan for how everything needs to unfold. 

Our first priority will be getting the garage and mother-in-law apartment up and Wanda's apartment finished. That's where our builders will spend their time and Andy will be helping them when he can. 

The next job will be to get the cottage up and running and we hope to get that going by October. Andy and I will be working on that job simultaneously and bringing in contractors when needed. 

Finally, the kitchen. I hope to be operational by early December. It's a hopeful goal, but fortunately for me, I'm a fairly hopeful person. 

Every day, we feel scared and excited for what we are building (literally) in our lives (and our yard.)

I have to remind myself constantly that a vision realized, is simply a finite list of identifiable steps...taken. 

One step at a time with a hopeful heart. 

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I've Been Trying Avoid Pink Bathrooms All of My Life

I've been trying to avoid the pink bathrooms from the early 60s all of my life. Then I saw these. 

Andy crooked an eyebrow when I suggested pink, but then agreed that these bathrooms feel contemporary, relaxing and romantic. 

I remember pink bathrooms making a comeback in the 80s-90s. Still, those were not for me. 

These feel fresh to me. 

I guess everything that goes around, definitely comes around (again and again and again.)

So, maybe I'll do the bathroom with pink. 

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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Inside the Cottage-First Peek, Let's Talk Banquettes

So, we have the main living space of the cottage nearly cleared and will start tearing up carpet in that room soon.

If you look closely at the ceiling above the window over to the corner, you can see clear signs of the mold issue that will have to be mitigated. You can also see where the wall and floor have separated near the baseboards. This will require leveling the floors throughout the addition. There is definitely repair work to do here.

Where the current window is now, we will install a set of French doors leading out to a small deck/patio. To the right of that will be a built-in banquette that Andy will construct. I would like it to have storage under the seating for things like paper products, cleaning supplies, clean linens, etc. 

I'm going for "Modern Farmhouse." I know everyone seems to be saying "Farmhouse Style" is on its way out, but I live on a farm. This is a farmhouse. I'm going with what I know...with a fresh perspective, maybe? Hopefully. We'll see. 

Here is the current proposed floorplan of the Hidden Cottage: 

And here are some banquettes for inspiration. Let me know what you think! Which do you like best and why? 

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Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Dirt Work Begins-Project Progress

Today is the day! We begin breaking ground, literally! 

After they got everything staked out, Andy and I were really pleased with the size of the new garage and mother-in-law apartment and the position of it in reference to our house and the commercial kitchen/cottage. I will update with more pictures as things progress!

As an aside, I'm going to lose my apple shrubs that never produced a single apple in 8 years. I'll live, even if the apple trees don't. I've never been much of a plant person. My mother was an amazing plant person, but she grew into that. I wish I would one of these days.

Oh well, like I tell my niece, being really bad at something just gives you a vast amount of room to improve. 

Today is a big day! Stuff is moving! 

Andy and I hugged it out in the bedroom this morning as we both admitted in squeaky voices that we are very excited and scared at the same time. But as he left, he turned and said, "It's going to be ok. It's going to be really good."

Ok, dear. I've made the choice to believe you. 

Thanks for believing in me, too. 

A Simple Favorite for Breakfast

We've been enjoying this one for nearly seventeen years around here. Onion and chive cream cheese, sliced tomatoes and onions on a toasted bagel with seasoned pepper and whatever herbs I have laying around. Easy to throw together in minutes, a serving of fresh vegetables knocked out first thing in the morning, pretty to look at, delicious to eat. 

It's one of Andy's favorites. He's never said so, but every time I make it for breakfast, he gives me a kiss on my head on his way out the door. 

I think it's the tomatoes. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Two Hungers

Andy and I have a trip to South Africa planned for later this year and while researching I came across a piece about the San People (Kalahari Bushmen) of Southern Africa. I learned that they have lived in that part of Africa for more than 20,000 years. One of their philosophies really spoke to me:

“The Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert talk about the two "hungers". There is the Great Hunger and there is the Little Hunger. The Little Hunger wants food for the belly; but the Great Hunger, the greatest hunger of all, is the hunger for meaning.

There is ultimately only one thing that makes human beings deeply and profoundly bitter, and that is to have thrust upon them a life without meaning.

There is nothing wrong in searching for happiness. But of far more comfort to the soul is something greater than happiness or unhappiness, and that is meaning. Because meaning transforms everything into a more beautiful and elevated form.

Once what you are doing has for you meaning, it is irrelevant whether you're happy or unhappy. You are content - you are not alone in your Spirit - you belong.”--Laurens van der Post

I realize not everyone will understand that I find meaning in my life from making beds, cooking, hosting, facilitating and paying attention to the details that will enhance my guest's experiences and memories when they stay with us. You don't have to get it, but for me, there's no denying that's who I am.

I remember in the seventh grade, we had to take these vocational assessment tests that were supposed to find out what we were interested in and maybe even tell us what we would be good at. I can't really remember, except for one question on the survey: "Rank the top three careers, in order, of where you see yourself in the future," followed by a long list of options.

I was certain I was going to be a writer. A journalist. However, this is how I answered the question:

1. Chef

2. Catering

3. Innkeeper/Hotel Manager

Because those sounded like the most fun to me.

As I prepare for your visit to the Li'l Kitchen and the Hidden Cottage, I promise I will do my best to create a memorable and comfortable stay, and I will work hard to create dishes to satisfy your "little hunger."

And while I am doing these things, with the greatest intention in every detail, I will be satisfying the "great hunger" in me.

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Sunday, June 4, 2023

Final Plan-Cottage Progress

Well, we have a final floorplan for the garage/mother-in-law apartment, and it will be going to the builder tomorrow morning! Now to find out what it will cost and how much work we are going to have to do. 

Andy is really pleased with the renovation plans we have for the addition. He likes that the plan completely separates our house from the business part and that the new plan is very non-invasive. Should we ever decide to convert the space back to living space, he feels it's a weekend warrior job. Roughly two days and the space can be converted back should we ever go that route. A few more days to polish it up and we can change it back!

This is the month we start doing the dirt work for the foundation of the garage/apartment. We have a dirt guy. We also have an electrician and a plumber lined up.

Last night Andy told me to hop in the van so he could show me something. He drove to a place about 20 minutes south of our farm to show me a building that was really similar to this one. He just wanted me to see it. Because he knows I'm a very visual person and seeing the building would help anchor our vision for it. 

He gets me. 

Life is pretty ok. 

Hope you're all doing well and feel supported by those you love. 

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

I Don't Do Taverns

When I first came to Iowa, I was introduced to these sandwiches called Taverns. Sometimes Maid Rites. Maybe they are not the same thing. I don't even know. I've lived here for 15 years and I'm not sure. 

Because I don't do those "other" ground meat sandwiches. 

I do BBQs. Sometimes referred to as Sloppy Joe's, but that's not what I grew up calling them. Maybe it's a Wisconsin thing. Maybe it's just a Star Prairie, Wisconsin thing. I'm not sure about that either. 

Nonetheless, a ground meat sandwich, simmered with onions and "red stuff", including BBQ sauce, was the sandwich I grew up with. Orange. 

To the best of my knowledge, taverns do not have "red stuff" although there are bastardized versions of ground meat sandwiches that appear to be the offspring of a traditional Iowa tavern and a sloppy Joe, that some still refer to as a "tavern." When I looked up the recipe, most included mustard and/or vinegar. 

Nope. That's not what I make. 

"Barbeques" always made an appearance at potlucks of all kinds. You'd see them on the menus at ball parks and town festivals and county fairs. Sometimes as "Barbeque" or "Barbeque sandwich" or just "BBQ." If you ordered one, you'd get an orange ground meat sandwich on a bun, especially tasty with pickles in my opinion, but Andy isn't a fan of the pickle. He prefers his with a slice of sharp cheddar. 

I've changed my grandmother's recipe over the years. I've added more vegetables and more seasoning as you can see! I bet you can't name everything in there!

Even with the modified recipe, it's still a favorite childhood comfort food in all of it's orange glory! 

You'll find this tasty meat concoction featured in the Li'l Kitchen!

But it's not a Tavern. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Longest Year

Well, it will be one year tomorrow since we lost you. It has been the longest year. Lee stopped by today for a visit and he agrees. It feels like five. Oh, how you have been missed these past twelve months. 

Through the sorrow, the sun has managed to shine, however. (If you know, you know.)

We had not one, but three beautiful memorials for you. The tears and the love poured from everyone. Still, the tears come, but with a few more smiles these days, remembering you. 

I went on a girl's weekend with Amy and Pam, and we drank to you and remembered the trip we took to St. Paul with you over your birthday that year. 

We traveled to Italy and Lee came with us. We all commented on how much you would have loved the food and the wine and the architecture and the history. Elizabeth, Laurent and Mathilda flew from Switzerland to spend a few days with us. It was lovely. 

We spent time around New Year's at Geoff and Darcy's house and hanging out with Lee and Will and Janie. Geoff and Darcy made fondue. It was wonderful. We opened presents. Your name came up often.

I ask you all the time what you think of what I'm working on, and most of the time, I can hear your answer. It always makes me smile. 

We're driving Lee on RAGBRAI again this year, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the ride.

In celebration of you, my friend. 

It's been such a long, anguished year. So many "firsts" for the kids and grandchildren without you. So many medical procedures for Lee. So many tears. So much heartbreak. 


The sunshine finds its way through the cracks, and life rolls on, and there is hope. 

And there is laughter. 

And there is love. 

No one told me that you'd be such an unwavering friend to me, even after you were gone. No one told me you'd still be rooting for me, teaching me, encouraging me and comforting me.

You do it all the time in my dreams. In my memories. In the beats of my heart. You are forever a part of my life experience, lady.

Thank you for that. 

More at

Hidden Cottage & One Li'l Kitchen | Pierson IA | Facebook

Monday, May 22, 2023

Our Dishes Have Dishes

A claim Andy makes often. 

I've been looking for some cute things for the cottage, and sorting items from things I already have. I try not to make impulse purchases since we already have a pretty good inventory.

But these dishes were so cute. I found them at Target, but they were not on sale. So unlike me to even consider paying full retail. I even left the store once and came back. The plates were calling to me, and I know why. 

They remind me of a set of dishes my grandmother, Mae, had when I was a child. A set of melamine dishes from the 60s I think, in 4 different colors with speckles on them. I ate off of those plates a gazillion times at my grandparent's house. All of the grandchildren did. 

Pancakes on Sunday mornings after Sunday school. Mae's spaghetti and salad with toast. All sorts of modified Swedish dishes with potatoes and cabbage. Tomato soup and tuna fish sandwiches. Birthday cake.

Gosh, I miss that woman. And her husband, and her son, all of whom sat down so many times at the same table with me and ate off of those speckled dishes.

So when I saw these, I just couldn't let them go. 

I can't wait for my family and friends to visit the cottage so they can start making memories. I guess I'm hopeful that when used in the cottage, these cute plates will  make a similar impression on whomever eats off them. Maybe the speckles will help cement the memory, hopefully a great one. 

Look at how good they look with the ones I already had!

A completely justified purchase, even at full price. 

(Although I'm 100% sure Mae would have told me to wait until they went on sale.)

Sunday, May 21, 2023

This Guy

He's the love of my life and my best friend. He's not perfect. Not even close. 
But he's perfect for me. 

We've been through a lot together. A lot of my stuff. A lot of his. Plenty of our stuff and a lot of stuff we never even saw coming. We have definitely not agreed about everything. We've had plenty of "words" over the years. Plenty of four-letter words, in fact, but the entire time, we've tried.  Tried to grow into better people than we used to be. Better than we used to be 30 years ago. Better than we used to be 8 months ago. Better than we used to be yesterday. 

So, we continue to work on ourselves and our relationship and our outlook. We continue to create and travel. We try to grow and improve, despite so much of our social and childhood conditioning and our own egos working against us. We inch along, finding our way, even now in our mid-fifties. Together. 

It has not been what I would call "easy."  Growth can be so ugly and painful, but he's had my back nearly every day for the past 17 years, even during my anguish, my breakdowns and my failures. Even when others have attacked me. He has demonstrated that time and again. I hope he feels he can say the same of me.

Maybe it's why we survive big projects well. 

Don't be fooled. This isn't a gushy post about how great my husband is. I don't need bragging rights that he earns the most, or looks the best, or has the biggest...truck. Andy is not perfect, as I have sometimes mentioned, but he is just exactly the right amount of imperfect for me. (I'm probably a little bit more imperfect than he'd like, but he has adapted well.)

This is a gushy post about how hard my husband tries. 

He is the most successful person at trying, that I've ever known. He gets up every morning and he just goes out there and tries again. 

He tries to be a better husband, a better father, a better son, a better friend, a better human. 

His success varies from day to day, but he perseveres. He pursues growth. 

It's attractive. 

I hope he never gives up.